London United Kingdom Government Adviser of children affairs suggest that parents check their children work on the internet. Claire Perry says, one of the dangers of ' click ' internet is like adults feel there is nothing wrong.
Members of Parliament were denied when control identified with mematai-matai and said to communicate with his daughter on a regular basis.
"I'm not suggesting if the phone is left on the kitchen table and I got it. It is simply by reading someone's agenda, "said Perry.
"With a 13-year-old daughter, I want to talk about his message and say:" If someone you're not too sure, let me read "," Perry said in an interview with Newsbeat program on BBC Radio 1, on young people.
Perry was appointed as an advisor to the Government of Britain ' click ' in handling pedophilic and commercialization of children on December 20012. One of the suggestions in his proposal to the music video ranked for sexually provocative, limited access to the magazine ' the man ' and safety lessons internert in schools.
He insisted there also, to a parent questioned or indeed the children always the phone messages, internet chat, Twitter and Facebook as a private meeting should keep.
"This region is not pleasant people be discussed together" imbuh Perry. "I campaigned for a more familiar internet-access, so that the ingredients do not deserve-whether it is a porn site or proanoreksia or suicide-filtered at home," Perry continued.
According to Perry, the parents pay a contract phone handheld, so it must be responsible. However its opinion diktirik by some teenagers.
"They let us meraka read. If they want us to act like adults, they should also treat us as adults, "as written by Liam on Twitter message.
Then there is more like written by Jodie via her Twitter account: "How do you expect children to respect for privacy as they see adults spied on." (BBC)
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